Wednesday, May 23, 2012

homemade fingerpaint

 Homemade fingerpaint goo lol

Had the little guy add in some food coloring and mix it up and viola! Homemade fingerpaints!  Super easy and fun.      The recipe :              3 Tbs Sugar
                                                  1 tsp salt
                                                  1/2 cup cornstarch
                                                  2 cups cold water
                                                  your choice of food coloring

Mix all ingredients together in saucepan until warm and the mixture thickens.  Let cool then add some food coloring and TAA DAA! cheap fingerpaint!

Spider Web

Ely watched a Curious George show where they made spider webs, sooooo we made our own!! Ely practiced his cutting skills by cutting the yarn and pipe cleaners and gluing the pom poms and eyes on!! Quick activity and fun.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

egg letters

Printed off this fun abc game from  Ely colored them all and then I cut them out.  He has lots of fun matching the capital and lowercase letters to form the eggs!

hand print tree

Double fisted always gets the job done faster!

When we were done with all our green pages, he wanted to paint more!

Our handprint tree!  Ely painted about 15 pieces of paper green.  I gave him some different green shades so he could mix and experiment a little as well as a sponge brush and a big brush.  After all the pages had dried I traced around his and my hand and cut them out.  I used this as a template to cut out all the other hands.  I then cut and pasted some nice quotes about nature.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

outside cooking

Enjoying outside time.  Im always trying to find fun things to do outside to enjoy the fresh air.  So while we were lounging around outside this idea hits me.  Lets pretend cook!  I got out a pan a whisk a large bowl, an empty shaker that I filled up with some dirt, some measuring cups and spoons and filled a soap dispenser up with some water and soap.  He gad lots of water, soap, the shaker of dirt and some flour to cook with.  I turned a box into an oven by drawing buttons on one side and atimer on the other,  He was instantly transformed into Chef Ely and played for about 2 hours!


Oh Tinfoil!!! How wonderful you are!  Painting on tinfoil is an experience.  all the paints smear together and dont dry as fast which makes it easy to work on color combining.  we also added some salt for texture and even some dry penne noodles.  Easy and lots of fun!

Bug hunt

Found this at the Dollar Store! We went on a bug hunt!  During the hunt we talked about where bugs hide and why.  We caught a pincher bug and a beetle.  We talked about them and we were unsure what they ate so we created an experiment.  We gave them a few choices and watched to see which was the winner.  We recently caught a little spider and have been having fun learning all about them.  We checked out some spider books and talked about a spiders life.